Usually at night, I try to cram in all the stuff that I can't normally get to with Miss Ninja Fingers around. You know, anything that involves:
A) the computer
B) anything delicate
D) anything tiny
E) anything needing minor concentration or better
anything involving machinery
That list boils down as follows:
- Blogging
- Art
- Beading
- Scrapbooking
- Reading
- Writing
- Movies
- Sewing
- Woodworking
- Straighten the bedroom
- Straighten the kitchen
- Go to the grocery store ALONE
- Start dinner
- Eating
- Showering
- Napping
Eating? Yeah. You're surprised too? Well, of it takes me 2 minutes to microwave something and 3 minutes to eat it, that's 5 minutes of the allotted 300. Minus transit, to and from, which makes that about 10-15 minutes, that's now 270, plus transit to go anywhere, say Walmart, take off another 20-30 minutes, now you're down to 240-ish. A real meal would bump me down to 200 minutes. Take out time for a shower, and now I'm down to 160. Even a half-hour nap would leave me with barely 2 hours to myself. Plus whatever time I spend "out" and that leaves me with about 15 good minutes to work on projects or the house.
Crazy, huh? Today I went to WalMart and bought a new elephant ear plant for the yard. I even managed to get it into the ground within 24 hours! It's a new record for me. I re-assembled a new bracelet for a friend of mine, and managed to get in a blog entry, so I'll call today moderately successful. But after blogging, I now have about 1 hour and 20 minutes left (again, minus transit).
Wish me luck that somehow, I start getting more energy back. (And NO, I'm not pregnant!)
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